Realty Belgium and European Proptech Association join forces

Organized for the first time in the rich history of Realty Belgium, the Realty Awards 2024 aim to give visibility and support to the most impactful projects of real estate and construction companies, as well as to innovative companies in real estate technology. These pan-European Awards are supported by leading industry partners and the European institutions, with a clear mission to become the reference competition in impact.

We have made innovation a cornerstone of the Realty Belgium summit over the last years, testament to our commitment to bring our visitors unique insights and the latest market developments, both on a national and international level. We are proud to launch the Realty Awards 2024 and grateful for the support by leading industry partners and the European institutions. (Kristiaan Pauwels, Head of Event Realty)

The competition has two separate tracks: one for the most innovative impactful tech solutions and one for the most impactful projects in real estate and construction.

The track of the competition for innovative impactful tech solutions is supported, under the umbrella of StartUp Europe Awards, by the European Commission, the President of the European Parliament, the President of the Committee of the Regions, the Vice-President of the Economic and Social Committee and several members of the European Parliament. 

Why Apply?

Best Impactful (tech) Innovations Awards:

A unique opportunity to showcase your products and services to decision makers in the real estate industry in Europe, both from the public and private sectors.

Direct exposure to investors who are looking to invest in PropTech & Contech. A substantial number of these are new to the PropTech industry and are ready to deploy capital.

Validate your top industry and solutions while fostering connections that can lead to new business ventures and collaborations.

Best Impactful Real Estate Projects Awards:

Demonstrate to investors your alignment with the New European Bauhaus principles: “Beautiful, Sustainable, Together” and the EU Green Deal.

Have your projects evaluated by a distinguished jury of industry experts and EU professionals, highlighting your positive impact on people and the planet.

The “S” in ESG, the resilience in your projects, the contribution to the cities of the future.

ESG is not sustainability, and disclosure is not Impact.

Stating ESG metrics is one thing, generating and measuring true impact is however a completely different approach. The Realty Awards 2024 are focused on Impact: the measured generated positive effect of the projects or solutions on people and the planet.

The Realty Awards 2024 enjoy the support of 70 C-level executives in real estate, construction and technology, as well as professionals from the European Commission, which guarantees a balanced and truly objective validation of the most impactful projects or ventures in Europe.

The New European Bauhaus principles: leitmotiv for the Realty Awards 2024

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) has become a central pillar within the EU Green Deal since January 2024. We have therefore aligned the criteria of the Realty Awards 2024 with the principles of the NEB: “Beautiful, Sustainable, Together.

The huge success and impact of the PropTech Startup Europe Awards, supported and promoted by the European Commission, shows us each year that giving visibility, recognition and support to the brightest innovators in Europe is crucial. But innovation comes equally from project developers, construction companies, architects, … which is why we are eager to bring forward the Realty Awards 2024, based on the principles of the New European Bauhaus and in cooperation with Realty Belgium. (Dirk Paelinck, Chairman European PropTech Association)


  • Applications: from July 1st to September 5th
  • Judging: from July 1st to September 13th
  • Live ceremony: September 17, during Realty 2024

More information and details about criteria, categories and practicalities: 

Do you want to receive more information on visibility and sponsoring? 

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The venue - Gare Maritime

Realty takes place in the magnificent setting of “Gare Maritime” (Tour & Taxis) in Brussels.
rue Picardstraat 11 – 1000 Brussels

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