17 - 18 september 2024 - Gare Maritime, Brussels

New city supportive multi-company hub at Blue Gate Antwerp

New city supportive multi-company hub at Blue Gate Antwerp

Real estate developer Bopro Sustainable Developments 21 (BSD 21) and Flemish investment company PMV have set up a partnership for the construction of an 80,000 m² stacked city supportive multi-company hub on the Blue Gate Antwerp business park.



The project, a €100 million investment, will give new innovative companies space to do business and research, as well as encourage connections between those companies so new initiatives emerge.

The newly established company BGA Terminal North will erect a business building that will provide space on a rental basis for logistics companies or knowledge-intensive production companies, but will also have space for research & development as well as give the various companies the opportunity to connect with each other. “The building must feed the ecosystem of Blue Gate Antwerp: it must facilitate entrepreneurs to share their knowledge & technology in order to gain new insights,” says Erwin Vrijens, head of real estate at PMV. The building will therefore provide communal spaces where researchers, entrepreneurs and visitors can meet, (net)work and achieve collaboration, but also relax….

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