17 - 18 september 2024 - Gare Maritime, Brussels



About us

Chapps stands for “Checking apps”.

We providing a wide range of property inspection apps & software, for the property management industry. We realize that performing detailed and efficient property inspections is tessential for efficient and modern property management. You need to collect the right data and information, in order to generate reliable & practical reports.
That’s where we comes in.
Property inspections are very important. It’s about checking compliance and covering your liabilities. It’s about organizing, planning & following up on maintenance. It’s about performing quick turnovers in case of tenancies. It’s about justifying costs & charges to landlords, residents, or tenants, registering requests, and documenting incidents…
Ultimately, it’s about making your reporting to management/stakeholders as efficient as possible.
Clearly, there are many reasons why you need a professional tool to create reliable property inspections.


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